Our Centenary celebrations wrapped up on Sunday with a sausage sizzle, the cutting of our birthday cake, an exhibition match featuring 2 of our club champions and an afternoon of social tennis.
A HUGE thank you to everybody for all the work that went into making this a great event! Particularly to Beate, Margaret, Tim, Laneth, Theresa, Linda, Stuart & Chris for the planning and the fruit plates, flowers, candles, balloons etc that made the place look gorgeous.
It was great to have Mayor Ruddock in attendance, along with Melissa Achten, (President), Brett Bevan (Director) and Darren Simpson (CEO) from Tennis NSW, local Ward Councillors Monika Ball and Nathan Tilbury, and former presidents of our Association Harry Beck, Ian Pack and Marc Donnelly, along with other life & gold members joining us for the celebration!
A special thanks to the Gabrys family for their help over the weekend, Gavin for the tree, Dave Wooldridge for his support and the Collingridge family!
Eddy Watson
President 2023
Annual Reports
Rules & Policies
Strategy Plan 2020-2030