Tuesday Open Competition
Venue: Mills Park Tennis Centre
Set 1 starts: 7pm sharp.
Team: Two players [minimum] per team. ALL players must provide evidence they are:
- Financial members of Superb Tennis
- Have a current Tennis Australia account &
- Have linked a Universal Tennis Rating to participate.
Grading: Teams will comprise players with looking for the most competitive tennis they can play. Grading of the teams is designed to produce close competition within the membership eager to play their best each week.
Standard: We encourage players to be competent or working towards competence [UTR 2.75+] to be considered for a team. Divisions are made with the aim of having all players in a divsion within a maximum of 2 UTR rating points. Currently, our division 1 competition has players from UTR 4.5 & beyond. We are happy help new members assess their "level" before rego. [Contact Tim]
Whilst we play hard, this competition has a solid reputation for building many friendships on both sides of the net via a healthy dose of respectful competition each week.
Rounds are almost exclusively held during public school term dates. Please refer to your draw.
Format: Teams play 4 full sets of tennis; long deuce and tie break at 6-6. Teams are encouraged to follow the format below.
Set 1: Singles match -Players 2 vs 2
Set 2 & 3: Doubles Matches - Players 1 & 2 vs 1 & 2
Set 4: Singles Match - Players 1 v 1
Points are earned as teams with trophies for the winning team awarded after the comp is completed.
Comp Manager: Tim Brackenreg
Phone: (02)9482 1370 Email:
Term 1 2025 Competition
Round 1: Tue 11th February
Final Round: Tue 8th April [9 weeks of competition]
Cost: $162 per player.
Register / Re-Register: Tuesday Open Comp Term 1, 2025 [Rego with payment closes Tue 4th Feb 25]
Click on:
- · Programs
- · Register Now
- · Select Venue
- · Select Competitions and Tournaments [from the “select a program” set of tabs]
- · Select Adult and choose day of the week tab on top (matching the comp you want to play
- · Find your 2024 Team Name OR “New Team X” if you are forming a new team OR Pool Player Registration
Draw: Draw 2025 Term 1 comp
Extreme Weather: Comp Manager will update the Weather News Page by 6:15pm on the day of the round of the rounds' status. [Where the round is unplayable, a credit will be applied to the account of the two registered players. The round will not be re-scheduled]
Playing Surface: All matches will be played on our OmniPro 17 synthetic grass courts. These court surface was selected for performance & durability in suitable conditions. Please be aware that "rain" [at the venue or locations "close to Superb Tennis"] may not prevent competitive play from proceeding. The decisions made by our competition managers are based on the available information and experience at the venues. We strive to make informed decisions in the best interests of our members. DON'T ASSUME BECAUSE IT'S RAINING, COMP IS OFF.
Reserves: Players will be provided a draw, team list, and contact details of the players & registered Pool Players willing to help. Reserves can only be filled from the POOL PLAYER LIST & HOLD A CURRENT UTR WITHIN THE DIVISION BAND SET BY THE COMPETITION MANAGER. Once a reserve has been confirmed by the player [or team mate of the player] absent, the team should communicate this change to the opposing team & competition manager as soon as practicable.
Scores: Teams will be provided a score sheet & new balls. Team captains will complete the score sheet with all names & scores before signing the sheet prior to leaving the match.
Tuesday Doubles Competition
Venue: Mills Park Tennis Centre
Set 1 starts: 7pm sharp.
Team: A minimum of 8 players are required for registration for this competition to commence. ALL players must provide evidence they are:
- Financial members of Superb Tennis
Grading: Players will be paired in teams if and graded based on the teams "averaged" ability should 12 or 16 players register. With 8 players, we revert to our current rotation format.
Standard: We encourage players to be novice/competent or working towards competence [UTR 2+] to be considered for the competition. We are happy help new members assess their "level" before rego. [Contact Tim]
This competition has a solid reputation for healthy conversation & tennis every week. An excellent example of the "fun, fitness & friendship" ideals we enjoy. We play hard, but usually laugh harder!
Rounds are almost exclusively held during public school term dates. Please refer to your draw.
Format: Matches are played with three 9 game sets where a long deuce applies.
Points are earned as individuals in the current format with trophies for the winners awarded after the comp is completed.
Comp Manager: Tim Brackenreg
Phone: (02)9482 1370 Email:
Term 1 2025 Competition
Free Tennis Hit, Grading & Final Registrations TUESDAY 4th Feb 7-9pm. NEW PLAYERS ARE WELCOME!
Round 1: Tue 11th February
Final Round: Tue 8th April [9 weeks of competition]
Cost: $144 per player.
Register / Re-Register: Tuesday Doubles Comp Term 1, 2025 [Rego with payment closes Tue 4th Feb 25]
Click on:
- · Programs
- · Register Now
- · Select Venue
- · Select Competitions and Tournaments [from the “select a program” set of tabs]
- · Select Adult and choose day of the week tab on top (matching the comp you want to play
- · Find your 2024 Team Name OR “New Team X” if you are forming a new team OR Pool Player Registration
Draw: Draw 2025 Term 1 comp
Extreme Weather: Comp Manager will update the Weather News Page by 6:15pm on the day of the round of the rounds' status. [Where the round is unplayable, a credit will be applied to the account of the two registered players. The round will not be re-scheduled]
Playing Surface: All matches will be played on our OmniPro 17 synthetic grass courts. These court surface was selected for performance & durability in suitable conditions. Please be aware that "rain" [at the venue or locations "close to Superb Tennis"] may not prevent competitive play from proceeding. The decisions made by our competition managers are based on the available information and experience at the venues. We strive to make informed decisions in the best interests of our members. DON'T ASSUME BECAUSE IT'S RAINING, COMP IS OFF.
Reserves: Players will be provided a draw, team list, and contact details of the players & registered Pool Players willing to help. Reserves can only be filled from the POOL PLAYER LIST. Once a reserve has been confirmed by the player [or team mate of the player] absent, the changes should be communicated to the opposing players & competition manager as soon as practicable.
Scores: Teams will be provided a score sheet & new balls. Team captains will complete the score sheet with all names & scores before signing the sheet prior to leaving the match.